How to Label Text for NLP Tasks

March 20, 2022

Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks require labeled data to train machine learning models that can perform tasks such as sentiment analysis, named-entity recognition, or text classification. Labeling text data can be a challenging and time-consuming task, but there are different methods that can be used to create labeled data. In this blog post, we will compare three methods: manual annotation, crowdsourcing, and automatic labeling.

Manual Annotation

Manual annotation is the process of labeling text data by a human annotator. The annotator reads the text and assigns labels according to a predefined set of categories. Manual annotation is often considered the gold standard for creating labeled data, as it can produce accurate and reliable data. However, it is also the most time-consuming and expensive method.

The cost of manual annotation varies depending on the complexity of the task, the number of annotators required, and the quality control measures in place. According to the "State of AI Report 2021" by Hugging Face, annotating a single sentence can cost between $0.05 and $1.50, which means that annotating a large dataset can be a significant expense. Additionally, manual annotation can be a subjective process, and different annotators may assign different labels to the same text.


Crowdsourcing is a method of labeling data that involves outsourcing the task to a group of people. Crowdsourcing platforms, such as Amazon Mechanical Turk, can be used to hire a large number of individuals to label data. Crowdsourcing can be a cost-effective method of creating labeled data, as it can be done quickly and at a low cost.

However, crowdsourcing can also lead to low-quality data if the annotators are not adequately trained or if there is insufficient quality control. Additionally, crowdsourcing can be subject to fraudulent behavior or low-quality work from some annotators.

Automatic Labeling

Automatic labeling is a method of labeling data that involves using machine learning algorithms to assign labels to text data. Automatic labeling can be a cost-effective method, as it can be done quickly and at a low cost. However, the quality of the labeled data depends on the performance of the machine learning algorithms used.

According to the "State of AI Report 2021" by Hugging Face, automatic labeling can achieve accuracy levels of around 75% to 90%, which is lower than the accuracy achieved by manual annotation. Automatic labeling can be used to create labeled data quickly, but it may not be suitable for complex or nuanced tasks.


In conclusion, there are different methods to label text data for NLP tasks. Manual annotation is often considered the gold standard for creating accurate and reliable data, but it can be expensive and time-consuming. Crowdsourcing and automatic labeling can be cost-effective and fast methods, but they can lead to low-quality data if not adequately managed.

The choice of labeling method will depend on several factors, such as the size of the dataset, the complexity of the task, and the available budget. It is essential to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each method carefully before deciding which one to use.


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